Saturday, April 2, 2011

لا للفتنه

To Tunisia with my apology

          what happened today in the Egyptian Zamalek vs. the Tunisian El Afriki match, was a disgrace to all Egyptians more than it was to our Tunisian brothers. Soccer sadly brings the worse out of us Egyptians, but this time things have went too far, and we can't stay quite about what happened, I call on every Egyptian that has a little bit dignity, to get up off their computers and head to the streets till everyone who was responsible for this get what they deserve. To all Egyptians don't stay quit because what happened today means that the revolution did not succeed yet we need to take matters to our own hands. We shouldn't have stopped protesting this early because we didn't only ask for Mubarak to leave, we asked for the whole system to live, and today's game just proved that the system is still there. Again I apologize to every Tunisian about what happened today, and I promise you that every person who was responsible for this will get what he deserves no matter who he is.

Friday, April 1, 2011

حكومة ليبيا ترفض شروط الثوار للهدنة

أعلنت الحكومة الليبية رفضها شروطا قدمها الثوار للقبول بوقف لإطلاق النار، من ضمنها خروج قوات العقيد معمر القذافي من المدن.
وقال المتحدث باسم الحكومة الليبية موسى إبراهيم في العاصمة الليبية طرابلس للصحفيين إن الكتائب الأمنية لن تنسحب من المدن التي تسيطر عليها، واصفا هذا الشرط بأنه "جنون".
وفي وقت سابق يوم الجمعة عبر رئيس المجلس الوطني الانتقالي في ليبيا مصطفى عبد الجليل عن استعداد المجلس للقبول بهدنة إذا التزمت بها كتائب العقيد القذافي.
وأوضح عبد الجليل في مؤتمر صحفي مع مبعوث الأمم المتحدة إلى ليبيا عبد الإله الخطيب في بنغازي أنهم مستعدون للقبول بوقف لإطلاق النار إذا انسحبت كتائب القذافي من داخل المدن الليبية ومما حولها وإذا "أتيح لإخوتنا في المدن الغربية حرية التعبير".

وفي مقابلة بوقت لاحق مع مراسل الجزيرة عبد العظيم محمد زاد عبد الجليل شرط خروج جميع القناصة المنتشرين فوق أسطح المباني من المدن.
لكن عبد الجليل أكد أن هدف الثوار النهائي هو "التحرر والسيادة على كامل ليبيا"، وقال "إذا تركت للشعب حرية الاختيار فسيشهد العالم أنه سيختار الحرية".
من ناحية أخرى قال رئيس المجلس الانتقالي إنه "إذا لم يتوقف نظام القذافي عن معاملة الثوار بالطريقة القمعية العسكرية، فنحن بحاجة فعلا إلى أسلحة لمجابهة كتائبه وتحقيق توازن عسكري".
من جهته قال الخطيب إنه بحث مع قيادة المجلس إمكانية وقف إطلاق النار في إطار مساعي الأمم المتحدة للتوصل إلى حل سياسي للصراع.
وفي تصريح للجزيرة أوضح الخطيب أنه وجد لدى قادة المجلس استعدادا لقبول وقف إطلاق النار، مشيرا إلى أنه أبلغ المسؤولين الليبيين بأن الأمم المتحدة تصر على الالتزام الكامل بقرار وقف العمليات العسكرية وحماية المدنيين.
وكان عبد الجليل والخطيب قد خصّا قناة الجزيرة بتصريحات أدليا بها عقب لقائهما في بنغازي وقبيل عقدهما مؤتمرا صحفيا مشتركا أمام وسائل الإعلام.

نقل عن قناة الجزيره

جمعة الانقاذ

            Today is a day of celebration for every Egyptian, we should all take part of the protests on this day at least, if we can't be there on workdays. Let's not forget that our demands were not fulfilled yet, and there are still NDP (national democratic party) members present in our society till this day, there's also the state of emergency that was not lifted, the technocrat party that we asked for was not created as well, and the list of problems that were not fixed goes on. Today there were only 250,000 Egyptians in Tahrir square, and I can guarantee you that they were 100% youth that weren't part of any party or association; where was the Muslim brotherhood, where were the opposing parties, none of them showed their support to the youth. So all in all let's stay focused on the prize which in this case would be our full rights of equality and freedom, there is no part equality or half freedom.        

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Egypt, Sudan...On the highway to change.

          It's the first time in years that we as the country of Egypt put our hand in the hands of our Sudani brothers. We've had our share of bad times, but Egypt and Sudan are two inseparable brothers, after all we were one country before. We are finally starting to take our leadership role in the middle east, not only the middle east but also the world. Change doesn't come in a year or two, it takes a while but it'll be much faster if we change ourselves. The people of Egypt have the power of will, and that is more valuable than  any weapon their enemies have, and that's why the U.S. and Israel feared our revolution. It was very pleasing that Essam Sharaf decided to go to Sudan and fix what Mubarak and the people with him broke.     

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Is Dictatorship?

        Dictatorship is a lot of things, for example it is the abuse of one’s power or authority, or it can be the denial of the others’ rights. Dictators can be different people, not just corrupt presidents or kings; if your boss was unfair he’s a dictator, if your teacher was unfair he’s a dictator too, even your own father could be a dictator. You have the right to stand up to that person, no matter who he or she is, because if you don’t that means you handed him your rights on a plat of gold. What the new generation of Egyptians did is that they broke the borders of tradition, and the long wait; whenever an Egyptian was broken down by his regime he said wait or ‘usbur’ tomorrow will be better. The older generation is to blame for all of this, because they didn’t stand up 52 years ago and say no to corruption and instead they said the famous ‘wait’. We will always learn lessons from Egypt, and the Egyptian revolution could not deserve less respect than any other revolution in the world if not even more.